The History Of Hilltop Baptist Church
The ministry of Hilltop Baptist Church began even before it was organized on April 1, 1945. The charter members saw the need to have a spiritual witness on the main road going toward the prosperous coal-mining towns know as The Gulf.
It was this determination that was fostered by their love for The Lord that laid the solid biblical foundation that still exists today.
From its humble beginnings to its present facilities here in Midway (formerly the Midway Grade School), the ministry of Hilltop has tried to be on the forefront in reaching and teaching people about the things of The Lord.
Under the spiritual leadership of Rev. M. F. Wendelkin, the church was organized. On September 20, 1945, Rev. Earl Harvey became the church’s first called pastor. Later, Bro. Harvey became the first missionary to be sent from Hilltop (to his ministry in Haiti). Since that time, the church has grown spiritually and in number under the leadership of the following pastors: Rev. William Martin, Rev. Rubin, Rev. W. O. Cadle, Rev. K. K. C. Lilly, Sr., Rev K. K. C. Lilly Jr., Dr. G. Elmo Renegar, Rev. Lewis Batchelor, Rev Wayne Holder, Rev. David Mayes, Rev. Patrick Haynes, and Rev. Robert Ingram. Our current Pastor is Rev. Wade L. Samples, Jr.
During the past 73 years, the success of this ministry has been evidenced in the lives of the members of this church. Several ministers of the Gospel of Christ and missionaries have been called out of our assembly into full-time service for The Lord. Also, the members have had a deep spiritual impact on the lives of people, not only in our immediate area, but around the world. Through the Sunday School program, Bus Ministry, Vacation Bible School, and remarkable Teen Ministry over the years, thousands of people have been afforded the opportunity to know The Lord. Over the years, the Ladies Prayer time and Bible Study group has had a major spiritual impact on the ministries of this Church.
Hilltop Baptist Church has been active in sending missionaries around the world. Currently we are honored to be the sending church of two missionary families:
Ron & Nancy Johnson – Brazil
Vlad & Julia Kozoubovkii – Restricted Country
Hilltop Baptist Church currently supports 21 missionaries around the world. It has been rightly said, “The sun never goes down on the missionary work of Hilltop Baptist Church.”
Hilltop Baptist Church is indebted to all those who have so faithfully dedicated their lives to carry out the Great Commission of our Lord. It is because of your love and dedication to The Lord that the ministry of Hilltop Baptist Church is and will continue to be the success that it is.

Our Current Location
320 First Avenue
Midway, WV 25878

Former Location
in Crab Orchard, WV