We are honored to provide the following missionaries with financial and prayer support:
Jozef & Anna Abrman – Slovakia
Appalachian Bible College
Mike & Michelle Blake – Welch, WV
Judy Bowen – Togo

Judy arrived in Togo on March 1st 1992. She was instrumental in developing the literature ministry, leading to the opening of the Communications Resource Center (CRC) in 1996, which she continues to manage. The CRC provides affordable Christian books, Bibles, and other literature to the local people in several languages. Judy’s other ministries include creation and missions photography with the goal of introducing our Creator to the Togolese and others, as well as assisting with Community Health Evangelism, and leading support to the Togolese as they plan and execute camp for kids and teens.

God has been and continues to work through Child Evangelism Fellowship around the world to reach children and their families since 1937. Their ministry prayer and goal is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel, to disciple them in the world of God, and establish them in a local bible teaching church. John’s prayer is to see all eleven of the counties in the New River Region actively reaching the children through county coordinators, trained teachers, and TEAMs ministering in local schools through Good News Club outreaches.

Rodney and Cathy Fitzsimmons began their work as missionaries to Haiti from 1983-2015. During their ministry they established 17 churches that are all pastored by Haitians. They also established a Bible school and seminary to train church workers. In 2015, they were required to leave full time ministry in Haiti due to Cathy’s health. They are now with The Carpenter’s Project. This ministry helps Bible colleges in foreign countries and helps their graduates establish new churches. The Carpenter’s Project currently works in the following countries: Ethiopia, Haiti, the Ivory Coast, Myanmar, and the Philippines. Rodney travels to these countries to see how they can help the ministries there and to hold Bible conferences.
The Good Shepherd Children’s Home is a Christian – based home for disadvantaged boys and girls facing difficult circumstances in their lives, many times at no fault of their own. Many of the children they serve struggle with the effects of poverty, abuse, or neglect and in most cases, just need stability and a little extra love and support to reach their full potential.
Their goal is to provide hope and healing in a Christian environment, where kids can develop academically, physically, socially, and most important, spiritually.
T.J & Kimberly Gritts – Spain
Vlad & Julia Kozoubovkii – Restricted Country
Vlad & Julia Kozubovkii are ordained & commissioned by Hilltop Baptist Church as missionaries. The Kozoubovkiis were members of Hilltop Baptist Church when they were students at Appalachian Bible College. They are now involved in the ministry of evangelism, discipleship, Bible Institute training, and church planting.
Gerald & Margurite Pauley – Canada

The Pauleys have been working for the Lord in Quebec, Canada, for 40 years. Their first call was to Chad, Africa, where they served for 4 years. In the past 13 years, the Pauleys have undertaken a ministry that they have called Church Watering. When a church planter pastor must be away from his church, the Pauleys are available to keep the church stable.

Andy & Lisa Simpson have been serving the Lord in Taiwan since October 1993 as church planting missionaries. Currently they are overseeing the ministry at Lighthouse Baptist Church and Dali Faith Baptist Church. Both churches are located in different districts of Taichung, a city with a population of 2.78 million people. Their goal is to evangelize and then train and equip the Taiwanese believers so that they will stand firmly upon God’s Word and reproduce more like-minded churches.
Missionaries highlighted in Green are sent to their field by Hilltop Baptist Church
Click on the Missionaries highlighted in blue to read their current prayer letter!